Xiaowei (Tom) Shi

Xiaowei (Tom) Shi

Assistant Professor

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Xiaowei (Tom) Shi is an Assistant Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. He is also a co-chair of the IEEE Emerging Transportation Technology Testing Technical Committee. Dr. Shi’s research focuses on evaluating existing emerging mobility technologies, such as automated, connected, and electric vehicles, and developing novel technologies through the utilization of field experiments and hardware-in-the-loop methodologies. His research integrates transportation engineering, control engineering, optimization, and data science. His works have been published in top transportation journals, e.g., Transportation Science, Transportation Research Parts B & C. He also serves as a reviewer for many top-tier journals in the transportation field, including Transportation Science, TR Parts A-E, IEEE T-ITS, IEEE T-IV, etc.

  • Evaluation and Testing of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs)
  • Development of Vehicle Automation and Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) Communications Technologies
  • Hardware-in-the-loop Testing for Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA) Systems
  • PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2021

    University of South Florida

  • MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2020

    University of South Florida

  • MS in Control Science and Engineering, 2018

    Beijing Jiaotong University

  • BS in Urban Rail Transit, 2015

    Beijing Jiaotong University


  • 2024-9: Research paperPhysics-Informed Neural Network for Cross-Dynamics Vehicle Trajectory Stitching” was accepted by Transportation Research Part E.
  • 2024-8: Research paperConstructing a Fundamental Diagram for Traffic Flow with Automated Vehicles: Methodology and Demonstration” published by Transportation Research Part B was featured as the Top Cited Article on the journal’s homepage.
  • 2024-7: Research paperEffect of Riding Experience on Changing Opinions Toward Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Safety – Evidence from Field Experiments” was accepted by Transportation Research Part F.
  • 2024-7: Research paperModular vehicles can reduce greenhouse gas emissions for departure flight baggage transportation” was accepted by Journal of Air Transport Management.
  • 2024-6: Research paperShort-term Forecasting of Transit Travel Demand: A Customized Relevance Vector Machine Model” was accepted by Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering.
  • 2024-5: Conducted CAV demonstrations for the CV Pool Fund study coordinated by WisDOT, showcasing to colleagues from other state DOTs. Details
  • 2024-4: Invited Guest Lecture for the Traffic Flow Theory & Transportation Infrastructure Design courses at the University of Georgia. Topic: Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Introduction and Traffic Flow Analysis of Production Automated Vehicle (AV).
  • 2024-3: Will organize a Breakout Session in Automated Road Transportation Symposium 2024 at San Diego, CA, July 29th-August 1st. The session title is “Large Model for Automated Vehicle Impacts Analysis and Evaluation”. Welcome to stop by our session.
  • 2024-2: Organize a Special Issue titled “Advancement of Automated, Connected & Electrical (ACE) Vehicles” for the Journal of Neural Computing and Applications. We invite contributions that not only focus on ACE vehicles but also highlight the application of neural computing, machine learning, and intelligent systems in this domain. Details.
  • 2024-1: Poster presentations at the 2024 TRB Annual Meeting in Washington DC. Presentation titles: Framework for Detecting Traffic Rules Violations at Two-lane Roundabout – Case Studies in Ann Arbor; Effect of Riding Experience on Changing Opinions Toward Connected and Automated Vehicle Safety – Evidence from Field Experiments.

  • 2023-10: Invited as a speaker at the 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix on October 15th. Presentation title is “Modular Autonomous Vehicle Operations for Departure Flight Baggage Transportation”.
  • 2023-10: Invited as a speaker at the 2023 Southeast Wisconsin Transportation Symposium. Details
  • 2023-5: Dr. Shi will join the Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2023. Dr. Shi plans to recruit a few full-time Ph.D. students and Postdoctoral Researchers in the broad area of advanced vehicle technologies and smart cities. Applicants with backgrounds in transportation engineering, computer science, optimization, and control theory, are preferred. Full scholarships will be provided to cover the students' tuition and stipend. If you are interested, please send your CV, class ranking, and transcripts to Dr. Shi. Details
  • 2023-5: Research paperTrajectory Planning for an Autonomous Vehicle with Conflicting Moving Objects Along a Fixed Path – An Exact Solution Method” was accepted by Transportation Research Part B.
  • 2023-3: Served as a cluster chair for the Railway Application Section (RAS) at the 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Any related presentations in the field of railway transportation, metro, underground, highspeed railway, heavy-haul, and hyper-loop, combined with operations research/operations management, are very welcomed for our section.
  • 2023-3: Served as a special session chair for the IEEE-ITSC 2023 conference. The title of the special session is “Global Advances and Future of Testbeds on Automated Connected & Electrical(ACE) Vehicles”. Session Link
  • 2023-1: Invited as a speaker at 25th COTA winter symposium in Washington DC on January 8th. Presentation title is “Impacts of Automated Driving Features on Future Traffic”.
  • 2022-10: Invited as a speaker at 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Indianapolis on October 16th. Presentation title is “Empirical Study on Car-Following Characteristics of Production Automated Vehicles”.
  • 2022-5: Will moderate a Breakout Session in Automated Road Transportation Symposium 2022 at Garden Grove, CA, July 18-21. Session title is “Inconsistency of AV Traffic Flow Impact: Predictions in Literature”. Welcome to stop by our session.
  • 2022-3: Research paperThe effect of ride experience on changing opinions toward autonomous vehicle safety” was conferred the Best Paper Runner Up Award of Communications in Transportation Research.
  • 2022-3: Research paperAn Empirical Study on Fuel Consumption of Commercial Automated Vehicles” was accepted by Transportation Research Part D.
  • 2022-1: Received the ITS Florida Anne Brewer Scholarship. Invited to join the Transpo2022 conference in July.
  • 2022-1: Started the Research Fellow appoinment at the University of Michigan.
  • 2021-11: Research paperVideo-based Trajectory Generation for High-Granularity Highway Simulation (HIGH-Sim)” was accepted by Communications in Transportation Research. HIGH-Sim Dataset
  • 2021-10: Research paperModeling Decentralized Mandatory Lane Change for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles” was accepted by Transportation Research Part C.
  • 2021-9: Conducted PhD dissertation defense titled by “Impacts of Automated Vehicle Technologies on Future Traffic”.
  • 2021-9: Organized and moderated the NICR workshopCongestion Reduction in the Smart Mobility Era”. Link to the Workshop Webpage
  • 2021-7: Research paperThe Effect of Ride Experience on Changing Opinions Toward Autonomous Vehicle Safety” was accepted by Communications in Transportation Research.
  • 2021-6: Interviewed by Florida High Tech Corridor Program about a project related to Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication. Link to the Interview
  • 2021-6: Research paperConstructing a Fundamental Diagram for Traffic Flow with Automated Vehicles: Methodology and Demonstration” was accepted by Transportation Research Part B.
  • 2021-6: Academic presentations at ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development (ICTD 2021). Presentation topic #1: “Constructing Fundamental Diagram for Traffic Flow with Automated Vehicles: Methodology and Demonstration”; Presentation topic #2: “Empirical Study on Car Following Characteristics of Commercial Automated Vehicles with Different Headway Settings”.
  • 2021-5: Invited to be an Interviewee for filming the 2021 Public Service Announcement Video for USF.
  • 2021-4: Served as a Guest Lecturer for a graduate level course “Connected & Automated Vehicle” at USF. Presentation topic: “Connected & Automated Vehicle-Related Development and Research”.
  • 2021-4: Research paperEmpirical Study on Car Following Characteristics of Commercial Automated Vehicles with Different Headway Settings” was accepted by Transportation Research Part C.
  • 2021-4: Research paperOperations Design of Modular Vehicles on an Oversaturated Corridor with First-in-first-out Passenger Queueing” was accepted by Transportation Science.
  • 2021-3: Participated in Research Lightning Talk Competition hold by Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA) and won Second Prize. Presentation topic: “Impacts of Automated Vehicles on Future Traffic Flow”. Link to the Competition Result
  • 2021-3: Participated in 6th China International College Students’ ‘Internet+’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition hold by Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and won Bronze Prize. Presentation topic: “Modular Autonomous Vehicles Transportation Systems”.
  • 2020-12: Nominated by the National Institute for Congestion Reduction (NICR), received Neville A. Parker – Science & Technology Award (6 recipients per year) from the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC). Award paper: “Trajectory Planning for an Autonomous Vehicle with Conflict Moving Objects over a Fixed Path”. Link to the Interview


* represents the corresponding author


  1. Long, K., Shi, X.*, and Li, X.*, 2022. Impacts of Riding Comfort on the Attitudes of Riders, Drivers, and Pedestrians Toward Autonomous Shuttles. (Under review). Preprint: https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.32119.09128

Published or Accepted

  1. Long, K., Shi, X.*, and Li, X., 2024. Physics-Informed Neural Network for Cross-Dynamics Vehicle Trajectory Stitching. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
  2. Yang, L., Shi, X.*, and Li, X., 2024. Effect of Riding Experience on Changing Opinions Toward Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Safety – Evidence from Field Experiments. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.
  3. Yang, C., Yang, L., Yin, W., and Shi, X.*, 2024. Short-term Forecasting of Transit Travel Demand: A Customized Relevance Vector Machine Mode. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering.
  4. Shi, X., Chen, Z., Li, X.* and Qu, X., 2024. Modular autonomous vehicle operations for airport baggage transportation. Journal of Air Transport Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2024.102633
  5. Shi, X. and Li, X.*, 2023. Trajectory Planning for an Autonomous Vehicle with Conflicting Moving Objects Along a Fixed Path – An Exact Solution Method. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trb.2023.05.001
  6. Shi, X., Liu, H., Wang, W., Li, X., Biagio, C., Daniel, W., and David, K., 2023. Inconsistency of AV Impacts on Traffic Flow: Predictions in Literature. Road Vehicle Automation 10. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34757-3_13
  7. Shi, X., Yao, H., Liang, Z. and Li, X.*, 2022. An Empirical Study on Fuel Consumption of Commercial Automated Vehicles. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2022.103253
  8. Shi, X. and Li, X.*, 2021. Operations Design of Modular Vehicles on an Oversaturated Corridor with First-in-first-out Passenger Queueing. Transportation Science. https://doi.org/10.1287/trsc.2021.1074
  9. Shi, X., Wang, Z. and Li, X.*, 2021. The Effect of Ride Experience on Changing Opinions Toward Autonomous Vehicle Safety. Communications in Transportation Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commtr.2021.100003
  10. Shi, X. and Li, X.*, 2021. Constructing Fundamental Diagram for Traffic Flow with Automated Vehicles: Methodology and Demonstration. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trb.2021.06.011
  11. Shi, X. and Li, X.*, 2021. Empirical Study on Car Following Characteristics of Automated Vehicles with Different Headway Settings. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2021.103134
  12. Wang, Z., Shi, X.*, Zhao, X. and Li, X., 2021. Modeling Decentralized Mandatory Lane Change for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2021.103441
  13. Shi, X., Zhao, D., Yao, H. and Li, X.*, 2021. Video-based Trajectory Generation for High-Granularity Highway Simulation (HIGH-Sim). Communications in Transportation Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commtr.2021.100014
  14. Shi, X., Chen, Z., Pei, M. and Li, X.*, 2020. Variable-Capacity Operations with Modular Transits for Shared-Use Corridors. Transportation Research Record. https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198120928077
  15. Wang, W., Zhao, X., Wang, Z., Shi, X.* and Xu, Z., 2020. Research on Steering-Following System of Intelligent Vehicle-in-the-Loop Testbed. IEEE Access. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2973108
  16. Wang, G., Shi, X.*, Cui, H., and Jiao, J., 2020. Impacts of Migration on Urban Environmental Pollutant Emissions in China: A Comparative Perspective. Chinese Geographical Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-020-1096-1
  17. Shi, X. and Li, X.*, 2019, October. Speed planning for an autonomous vehicle with conflict moving objects. In 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference. https://doi.org/10.1109/ITSC.2019.8917511
  18. Wang, Z., Shi, X. and Li, X.*, 2019. Review of lane-changing maneuvers of connected and automated vehicles: models, algorithms, and traffic impact analyses. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41745-019-00127-7
  19. Wang, Y., Li, Y., Li, M.*, and Shi, X., 2018. An Optimization Method for Train Seat Inventory Control. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218194018400077


  • tomshi@uwm.edu
  • Northwest Quadrant B Room 4420, 2015 E Newport Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53211